Our Mums were an integral part of our start-up and when we say we wouldn’t be where we are without them, we mean it.

With Mother’s Day on the horizon, we thought it was time to share a little about what a huge role our Mums have played.
When we first began, we worked out of a back room in Claire’s house and part of her garage. We installed racking from Bunnings and it held our small amount of stock for the first few months. Not long after, it was obvious we needed more storage space. We weren’t in a position to rent anywhere yet, so into our parents' houses it went! Our stock took over spare bedrooms and part of garages. Large shipments were dropped off at their houses and it was no easy feat unpacking all the boxes and trying to create a bit of order in spaces that were meant to be bedrooms…
When it became too much for all those spare rooms, we rented our first storage space (stupidly - a second floor, oddly shaped unit). If you received an order in our early days, it was more than likely packed by Joanne.
Then there were the events. Markets, expos and trade shows. They travelled with us to Sydney, Melbourne and parts of Western Australia to help us get our brand out there. Setting up for shows, ironing bedding until midnight, picking up props from all over town, organising our meals and looking after our babies. They charmed our customers, brought the laughs and had too much to say most of the time. They really were partners in this business with us, asking for nothing in return other than to see us succeed.
Our business looks a lot different these days, but they’re still behind the scenes supporting us in any way they can. They are the best.
Love you both,
Kira, Kate & Claire xx

Here's a look at some of our early moments!

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